This is One Bar At A Time, a weekly newsletter about A musician's journey as a — writer, teacher, and student.

Hey guys, this is Ashley.

This is my alternative publication on Substack where I exclusively share:

  • Practising and performing tips and strategies as someone training to become a professional musician

  • Curation of helpful teaching resources

  • Curation of playlists and tracks

  • Documenting the process of my own personal and commercial projects as a musician

  • Any thoughts that might surface about the music industry

  • Music compositions: might share some originals and covers someday

To share insights into the world of music, and even provide helpful tips for practising, performing, or teaching as a musician, and thoughts curation for musicians (professionals or not).

Feel free to tailor the content that goes into your inbox under your subscription to choose which sections to subscribe to! — after you click the unsubscribe button.

Why subscribe? Join the community.

If you’re a musician, you would definitely relate. As a teacher, student, and lover of music, there will be times when our motivation and passion wither, and when we need help. I’d love to build a community where we can help and encourage one another. Also, it’ll be a great way to share our thoughts on the music entertainment/education industry!

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

P.S. I also run another monthly newsletter on Substack called Live In(inspiration) Progress where I curate ideas and content worth consuming on life, inspiration and the arts.

Subscribe to One Bar At A Time

One Bar At A Time helps to inspire and educate both musicians and music lovers alike by sharing insights about commercial projects, practising, performing, education, thoughts and content curation.


Musician | Dancer | Animal Lover | Dreamer | A Creative | Avid Reader | New Writer I write about everything I am, everything I do and more, on life in general.